K-MULTI shows excellent efficiency in processing mild steel, cast iron, and SUS series of low and medium hardness steel HRC42 or lower by applying unequal division and variable helix.


Ball Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
4 Flutes Various Symmetry End Mills for steels, Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Unequal pitch Ball design and helix enable decrease of chattering.


Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
4 Flutes Various Symmetry End Mills for steels, Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Unequal pitch design and helix enable decrease of chattering.


Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
6 Flutes Various Symmetry End Mills for steels, Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Deep hole helix design enable chip evacuation and increase surface roughness.


- - 최적의 공구강성과 최적의 칩배출을 고려한 FLUTE 설계
- - New design으로 별도의 centering과 reaming 작업이 필요없이 고정밀 작업이 가능
- - 인성과 내마모성이 우수한 초미립자 고급재질을 사용하여 공구의 수명을 향상하여 무인작업이 가능


Corner C End Mills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
4 Flutes Various Symmetry Corner C End Mills for steels, Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Unequal pitch design and helix enable decrease of chattering.


Corner C Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
5 Flutes Various Symmetry Corner C End Mills for steels,
Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Unequal pitch design and helix enable decrease of chattering.


Corner Radius Endmills for
Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
4 Flutes Various Symmetry End Mills for steels, Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Unequal pitch design and helix enable decrease of chattering.


Corner Radius Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
6 Flutes Various Symmetry Corner Radius End mills for steels, Cast Iron & Stainless Steels
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - 45° helix design is suitable for high speed machining.


Corner Radius Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
7 Flutes Non Symmetry Coner Radius End Mills for SUS
- - Mid-low hardened steel(HRC~42), soft steel, steel, SUS
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Strong design for protection against chattering.


Slotting Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
4 Flutes High Speed Slotting End Mills for SUS
- - Endmills for finishing and roughing of alloy steel,inconel, soft steel, SUS and various hard to cut materials.
- - Chip emission is excellent for slotting, and thick double core designed enables continuous machining without chattering.
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.


Trochoidal Endmills for Various Symmetry
Carbon Steels, Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Copper
5&6 Flutes Trochoidal Milling End Mills
- - Roughing Endmills for alloy steel,inconel, soft steel, SUS and various hard to cut materials.
- - HR coating reduces stress of flute and enhances wear resistance.
- - Variable helix design for minimizing cutting resistance and long time process.