K-THREADMILL has a variety of product lines for each material for precision screw processing in machining centers.


Multi-functional Thread Mill
Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel
4 Flutes Multi-functional Thread Mill for Generality
- - Thread mill for Hardened steel(up to HRC40), pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, cast iron.
- - With one 4TMM, it's available for drilling, threading and chamfering all together.
- - It can also be used on blocked holes, penetrating holes, and sloping curved surfaces as multi-function tool.


Thread Milll for Aluminum
Prehardened Steels, Aluminum, Copper, Plastic
4 Flutes Multi-functional Thread Mill for Aluminum
- - Thread mill for Aluminum, Aluminum alloy, non-ferrous and non-metalic materials.
- - With one 4TMA, it's available for drilling, threading and chamfering all together.
- - It can also be used on blocked holes, penetrating holes, and sloping curved surfaces as multi-function tool.


Multi-functional Thread Mill for SUS
Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Titanum
4 Flutes Multi-functional Thread Mill for Stainless Steel
- - Thread mill for Stainless and Titanium alloy.
- - With one 4TMS, it's available for drilling, threading and chamfering all together.
- - It can also be used on blocked holes, penetrating holes, and sloping curved surfaces as multi-function tool.


- - 최적의 공구강성과 최적의 칩배출을 고려한 FLUTE 설계
- - New design으로 별도의 centering과 reaming 작업이 필요없이 고정밀 작업이 가능
- - 인성과 내마모성이 우수한 초미립자 고급재질을 사용하여 공구의 수명을 향상하여 무인작업이 가능


Thread Mill with One Thread
Prehardened Steels
4 Flutes Multi-functional Thread Mill with One Thread
- - Thread mill for Hardened steel(up to HRC58), pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, cast iron.
- - 4THM tool can be used for threading of small diameter with deep hole.
- - Threading for ISO, Unified screw, right and left screws are all possible.


Thread Mill with One Thread for Aluminum
Aluminum, Copper, Plastic
4 Flutes Multi-functional Thread Mill with One Thread for Aluminum
- - Thread mill for aluminum, aluminum alloy, non-ferrous and non-metalic materials.
- - 4THA tool can be used for threading of small diameter with deep hole.
- - Threading for ISO, Unified screw, right and left screws are all possible.


Thread Mill with One Thread for SUS
Prehardened Steels, SUS, Stainless Steels, Titanum
4 Flutes Multi-functional Thread Mill with One Thread for Stainless Steel
- - Thread mill for SUS, Titanium alloy
- - 4THS tool can be used for threading of small diameter with deep hole.
- - Threading for ISO, Unified screw, right and left screws are all possible.


Short Flute Thread Mill for Generality
Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel
4 Flutes Short Flute Thread Mill for Generality
- - Thread mill for Hardened steel(up to HRC58), pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, cast iron.
- - Powerful flute design applied for hardened steel.
- - Improved cutting and chip removal reduce the risk of tool breaking in holes.
- - It can be used for both right and left-handed threading.


Short Flute Thread Mill for Aluminum
Aluminum, Copper
4 Flutes Short Flute Thread Mill for Aluminum
- - Thread mill for Aluminum, Aluminum alloy, non-ferrous and non-metalic materials.
- - Powerful flute design applied for hardened steel.
- - Improved cutting and chip removal reduce the risk of tool breaking in holes.
- - It can be used for both right and left-handed threading.


Short Flute Thread Mill for SUS
Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Titanum
4 Flutes Short Flute Thread Mill for Stainless Steel
- - Thread mill for SUS, Titanium alloy
- - Powerful flute design applied for hardened steel.
- - Improved cutting and chip removal reduce the risk of tool breaking in holes.
- - It can be used for both right and left-handed threading.


Helix Thread Mill for Generality
Prehardened Steels
4 Flutes Helix Thread Mill for Generality
- - Thread mill for Hardened steel(up to HRC48), pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, cast iron.
- - Coolant type of helix flutes for deep threading.
- - With multiple flutes composition, it shortens threading time.
- - Maximum drilling depth: 3xD2(Threading diameter)


Helix Thread Mill for Aluminum
Aluminum, Copper
4 Flutes Helix Thread Mill for Aluminum
- - Thread mill for Aluminum, Aluminum alloy, non-ferrous and non-metallic materials.
- - Coolant type of helix flutes for deep threading.
- - With multiple flutes composition, it shortens threading time.
- - Maximum drilling depth: 3xD2(Threading diameter)


Helix Thread Mill for SUS
Heat treated steel, SUS, Stainless Steels, Titanum
4 Flutes Helix Thread Mill for Stainless Steel
- - Thread mill for SUS, Titanium alloy
- - Coolant type of helix flutes for deep threading.
- - With multiple flutes composition, it shortens threading time.
- - Maximum drilling depth: 3xD2(Threading diameter)


Helix Nick Type Thread Mill for Generality
Prehardened Steels, Heat treated steel
4 Flutes Helix Nick Type Thread Mill for Generality
- - Thread mill for Hardened steel(up to HRC62), pre-hardened steel, alloy steel, carbon steel, cast iron.
- - High spindle speed and feed per tooth are available.
- - Maximum drilling depth: 2xD, 2.5xD, 3xD (threading diameter)
- - Rib type helical design is applied for deep threading.


Helix Nick Type Thread Mill for Aluminum
Aluminum, Copper
4 Flutes Helix Nick Type Thread Mill for Aluminum
- - Thread mill for Aluminum, Aluminum alloy, non-ferrous and non-metallic materials.
- - High spindle speed and feed per tooth are available.
- - Maximum drilling depth: 2xD, 2.5xD, 3xD (threading diameter)
- - Rib type helical design is applied for deep threading.


Helix Nick Type Thread Mill for SUS
Alloy Steels, Heat treated stee, SUS, Stainless Steels, Titanum
4 Flutes Helix Nick Type Thread Mill for Stainless Steel
- - Thread mill for SUS, Titanium alloy
- - High spindle speed and feed per tooth are available.
- - Maximum drilling depth: 2xD, 2.5xD, 3xD (threading diameter)
- - Rib type helical design is applied for deep threading.